Clari Health Travel Clinic Price List

VaccinesEffective TimeVaccination SchedulePrice Per Dose
Yellow FeverLIFETIMEAt least 2 weeks before travel245
Influenza1 YearAt least 2 weeks before travel35
Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (TDaP)10 YearsAt least 2 weeks before travel55
Typhoid3 YearsAt least 2 weeks before travel50
Hepatitis A> 25 Years0 and 6 Months80
Hepatitis A (Paediatric)20 Years0 and 6 Months75
Hepatitis B15-20 Years0,1 and 6 Months55
Hepatitis B (Paediatric)20 Years0,1 and 6 Months55
Rabies5-10 YearsPRE: 0,7 and 21/28 Days
PRE (rapid): 0,3,7 days and 1 Year
POST: 0,3,7,14 and 21/28 Days
Meningitis ACWY5 yearsAt least 2 weeks before travel110
Meningitis Group B5 years0 and 6 Months250
Japanese Encephalitis (Imojev)10 YearsAt least 2 weeks before travel395
Dengue6 Years0,6 and 12 Months220
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)LIFETIME0 and 1 Month50
Chicken Pox (Varicella)10 Years0 and 6 Weeks110
ShinglesLIFETIME0 and 2 Months460
PoliomyelitisLIFETIME0,1 and 2 Months145
Human papillomavirus (HPV)LIFETIME9-14 Years Old: 0 and 6 months
15-45 Years Old: 0,2 and 6 months
Pneumococcal (PPSV23)5 Years0 and 1 Year110
Cholera2 Years0 and 1 or 6 Weeks110