Childhood Vaccination

Childhood vaccinations at Clari Health

At Clari Health, we strive to provide your child with optimal vaccine coverage, following guidelines from the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule. We have all childhood vaccines available and a team of experienced nurse immunisers who will ensure that your child has the best possible vaccination experience – painless and quick.

Moreover, we offer a fixed consultation charge of $20 for all childhood immunisation appointments, with the consultation fee only applicable for your child’s first visit and not for subsequent booster doses.

Below is a comprehensive list of all the childhood vaccines that we provide:

Vaccine Price per dose*
Hepatitis B (paediatric) $55
DTaP (paediatric)  
Tdap $55
Inactivated Polio (IPV) $145
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B  
Measles, mumps and rubella $50
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine $210
5-in-one vaccine – Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Haemophilus influenza type b and Inactivated Polio Vaccine  

*All prices are inclusive of GST

Book an appointment online for your child now by visiting this page, emailing mparam@ or calling 8754 4101.

Why are childhood immunisations important?

Childhood immunisations or vaccinations are of utmost importance in maintaining the good health of your child since they drastically reduce the chance of your child contracting vaccine-preventable diseases. Many vaccine-preventable diseases such as diphtheria (whooping cough), measles and pneumococcal diseases, although not usually fatal in adults, can cause a serious deterioration of health, long-lasting effects or disabilities and even death in babies or children in severe cases.

These diseases are especially dangerous to infants and children because their immune systems are not developed or sophisticated enough to ward them off quickly or effectively. This is where childhood immunisations come in – administering a vaccine to your infant or child will stimulate his or her body to produce the necessary antibodies to resist or ward off the disease. This means that the chances of your child contracting this particular disease is reduced significantly and in some cases, even eliminated completely.

Not only are childhood immunisations important to protecting the health of your own child, they also safeguard the health of other children as well. Immunising your child will mean that he or she is less likely to contract a disease and spread it to other children in Singapore, and is thus important for public health. In some cases, childhood vaccinations, if administered to most or all children in Singapore, can even help to eliminate the disease in our country.

Some vaccines, such as the vaccine against Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), offers lifelong protection for your child once he or she is immunised. Others, such as the Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (DTaP) vaccine, may need to be re-administered as a “top-up”, more commonly known as a booster dose, in order to maintain an optimum level of immunity in your child.

When should I vaccinate my child and against which diseases?

Although childhood vaccine recommendations across the world are similar and aim to protect children against a select, common group of childhood diseases, Singapore’s Health Promotion Board (HPB) has devised a scheme called the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS). This scheme provides a specific set of guidelines for childhood vaccinations that all parents with children born or residing in Singapore should follow.

The National Immunisation Registry (NIR) of Singapore, a database created by the HPB, has been designed to keep track of all childhood vaccination records of Singapore residents and in the process, achieve a 95% coverage of all children under the NCIS.

The below table summarises the National Childhood Immunisation schedule and provides information on which vaccines are recommended for babies and children in Singapore and when these vaccines should be administered. The information has been adapted from the Health Promotion Board’s website.

National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (Singapore)
Vaccination against Birth 1 month 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 12 months 1 yr 3 months 1 yr 6 months 10 to 11 yrs*
Tuberculosis BCG                  
Hepatitis B HepB (D1) Hep B (D2)     HepB (D3)        
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis     DTaP (D1) DTaP (D2) DTaP (D3)       DTaP (B1) Tdap (B2)
Poliovirus     IPV (D1) IPV (D2) IPV (D3)       IPV (B1) OPV (B2)
Haemophilus influenzae type b     Hib (D1) Hib (D2) Hib (D3)       Hib (B1)  
Measles, mumps and rubella             MMR (D1) MMR (D2)  
Pneumococcal disease     PCV (D1)   PCV (D2)   PCV (B1)      
Human papillomavirus Cervarix is recommended for girls and women between the ages of 9 and 25 years. Gardasil 4 or Gardasil 9 are recommended for all girls and women between the ages of 9 and 26 years. Girls between the ages of 9 and 13 years: 2 doses at 0 and 6 months Girls between the ages of 14 and 26: 3 doses at 0, 2 and 6 months

BCG – Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine

HepB – Hepatitis B vaccine

DTaP – Paediatric diphtheria and tetanus toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine

Tdap – Tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine

IPV – Inactivated polio vaccine

OPV – Oral polio vaccine

Hib – Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine

MMR – Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine

PCV – Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

D1 – 1st dose ; D2 – 2nd dose; D3 – 3rd dose

B1 – 1st booster; B2 – 2nd booster

* Primary 5A

Are there vaccines not present in the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule which are also recommended for babies or children?

The National Childhood Immunisation Schedule is a guideline devised to protect babies and children in Singapore against common and often dangerous childhood diseases. However, the list of vaccines recommended in this guideline is not exhaustive and you may want to consider some other vaccines for your child, which may be beneficial in protecting them against a wider spectrum of diseases.

These other vaccines may be especially worth considering as while they may present mildly in adults, they may affect children much more severely due to their still-developing immune systems being unable to fight them off.

The following are the vaccines not included in the NCIS that are nevertheless recommended for your child:

Vaccination against? What is it? Dose and Schedule
Chickenpox Chickenpox, an infection caused by the varicella zoster virus, may cause symptoms such as a red, spotted rash and fever. It is a common childhood disease due to its highly contagious nature and may affect children more severely and lead to skin infection, pneumonia and even brain damage. For 1-year-olds: 1st dose administered when your child is 1 year old and the 2nd dose, 3 months later, when he or she is 1 and a half years.   For children above 13 years: 2 doses should be administered 6 weeks apart  
Influenza Influenza, better known as the flu, is a seasonal disease that attacks the respiratory tract. It is more severe than the common cold and affects large numbers of people during peak flu seasons. Those with compromised immune systems such as children below the age of 5 and children with underlying conditions are more at risk of developing complications from the disease. Children between 6 months and 9 years who have not received the flu vaccine previously: 2 doses recommended, administered 4 weeks apart   Children 6 months and above who have received the flu vaccine previously: 1 dose recommended annually   *It is important for your child to receive the flu vaccine annually as predominant strains of the flu may change year to year and the vaccine is updated seasonally to protect against these new strains
Rotavirus Rotavirus is an infection of the gastro-intestinal tract that most commonly affects children under the age of 5, causing them to experience diarrhoea. The disease can cause fever and dehydration and present severely in young children, leading them to be hospitalised. It is also a very contagious disease that is the number one cause of gastrointestinal problems in children in Singapore. Infants who are 6 weeks of age: 1 dose to be administered at 6 weeks and 2nd dose to be administered at least 4 weeks later   *The second dose of this vaccine can be administered up to when the child is 2 years old.
Travel vaccines Depending on the destination that your baby or child may be travelling to, a set of vaccines will be recommended to be administered to them. These recommendations vary based on country, the duration and nature of your trip. You can find out which vaccines your child may require before your trip from our destinations page. It is recommended that you visit our clinic at least 1 month before travel to get a travel health consultation for your child who will be travelling. This allows for time for the vaccines’ effects to kick in and for your child to be adequately protected against the relevant diseases by the time he or she travels.

Which vaccines are compulsory for your child under the Singapore law?

All parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to follow the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule’s guidelines for childhood immunisations and get their children vaccinated against all the vaccines recommended in the schedule in a timely manner.

However, it is compulsory under Singapore law for parents to vaccinate their children against two diseases in particular: Measles and Diphtheria. Under the Infectious Diseases Act, parents should vaccinate their children in a timely fashion against these two diseases – they can refer to the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule for guidelines on the appropriate timeline for these vaccinations.


If a child is born outside of Singapore and does not have proof of immunisation against measles or proof of previous measles infection, the parent or guardian must get the child vaccinated against measles within 12 months of the child arriving in Singapore.

The Infectious Disease (Diphtheria and Measles vaccination) Regulations of the Infectious Diseases Act maintains that:

“The parent or guardian of every child born in Singapore shall take or cause the child to be taken to a medical practitioner to be vaccinated against measles when the child is between one year and two years of age….”

The penalty for failing to get your child vaccinated against measles is a $500 fine for the first time offenders and up to $1,000 for second-time and subsequent offenders.


Much like with measles, the parent or guardian of a child must make sure that his or her child completes the primary diphtheria vaccination course under the Infectious Disease (Diphtheria and Measles vaccination) Regulations. This vaccination must be completed within 12 months after the child is born if the child is born in Singapore.

If the child is born outside of Singapore and the parent or guardian cannot show proof of the child having already been vaccinated, the child must be vaccinated against diphtheria within 12 months of arriving in Singapore.

In addition to the primary vaccination course, all children living in Singapore must also receive a booster doses of the diphtheria vaccine. These booster doses must be administered:

  1. A year after the primary diphtheria vaccination course
  2. Within a period of 12 months after the child turns 6

If the child received the first booster dose less than 2 years before turning 6, he or she does not need to receive the second booster dose.

The penalty for failing to get your child vaccinated against diphtheria (i.e. adhering to the schedule for primary and booster doses) is a $500 fine for the first-time offenders and up to $1,000 for second-time and subsequent offenders.

What are combination vaccines?

Combination vaccines include two or more vaccines in a single shot. With combination vaccines, a child may only have to receive 2 or 3 shots instead of 5 or 6 – this reduces stress and pain for the child and offers increased convenience for parents and healthcare workers. Most importantly, combination vaccines offer the same level of protection against diseases as individual vaccines do.

Some common combination vaccines in Singapore are:

  1. Measles, mumps and rubella
  2. Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine
  3. 5-in-one vaccine – Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Haemphilus influenza type b and Inactivated Polio Vaccine
  4. 6-in-one vaccine – Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Haemphilus influenza type b, Inactivated Polio and Hepatitis B vaccine