
Recommended vaccinations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for all travellers to Russia:
Recommended vaccinations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for some travellers to Russia:
Other diseases to consider while travelling to Russia:
Traveller information
This vast country bordering Europe and Asia is the largest in the world, and offers a wealth of landscapes, architecture and experiences. A good starting point is its capital Moscow. At Red Square in the city centre, you can simply enjoy the atmosphere and the sight of so many iconic buildings, before venturing into the fortress of the Kremlin, Russia’s symbol of power. Visit religious buildings in Cathedral Square, see the Tsar Cannon – the largest cannon in the world – and learn about the heritage of this unique country in the various museums here.
Russia’s second city St Petersburg on the Baltic Sea is the home of magnificent buildings and has a fascinating history. The Winter Palace, the former residence of the tsars, is a stunning example of Baroque and Neoclassical architecture and its opulent interior will leave a lasting impression on any visitor.
A journey on the Trans-Siberian railway will give you a sense of the extent of Russia’s landscape. From its cosy interior, you will see forests, mountains and vast open spaces reminding you of the sheer scope and diversity of this country’s terrain.

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